国際シンポジウム : キリシタン時代の宣教に伴う演劇の言語 (終了)
International Symposium on Languages of Theatre in the Christian Mission in Japan
Simpósio internacional : As Línguas no "Teatro da Missão" no Japão

March 9(Thu), 2017 : Sophia University, Yotsuya, Tokyo:
2017年3月9日(木) 10:00~17:00 : 上智大学四ツ谷キャンパス 2-309号室
closed : 終了



Theme 議題

  1. What was "o teatro da Missão", and what are the resources of its study (e.g. what are the surviving manuscripts, how far can we reconstruct the stage, etc.)
  2. What was the relationship between "o theatro da Missão" and the medieval Iberian "autos"
  3. What was the influences between "o theatro da Missão" and the local (i.e. of the places of mission) native theatres (if any). : e.g. "o Teatro da Anchieta" of Brasil, or Nô theatres/ Kôwaka-mai of Japan
  4. What were the peculiarities of the languages of "o teatro da Missão", and the written records of it (e.g. Jesuit reports of the plays performed on Christmas, etc.)
  5. The missionary linguistic problems in general, in relations to all the problems above listed.
  1. "o teatro da Missão"「宣教に伴う演劇」とは何か、又、その史料はどの様なものか。
  2. 「宣教に伴う演劇」と、イベリア半島での聖劇 "auto"(アウト)との関連。
  3. 「宣教に伴う演劇」と、宣教の土地の民族の伝統的な芸能・演劇との関連。 特に、日本の幸若舞・能楽、 "o Teatro da Anchieta" (ブラジル、聖アンシエタの演劇)との関連。
  4. 「宣教に伴う演劇」の言語の特質。特に、イエズス会による日本の演劇の記録に関して。
  5. 「宣教に伴う言語学」一般の特質。

Venue 会場

Building 2, 2-309 (3rd floor)
Sophia University, Yotsuya, Tokyo, Japan

上智大学 2号館3階 2-309
東京都千代田区紀尾井町7-1 地図

Languages 使用言語

English, with Japanese summaries. But, Portuguese, Spanish, (Latin) and Japanese may also somtimes be employed in order to discuss materials written in those languages.


Panel 発表者

  1. Dra.Margarida Miranda: univ. Coimbra: (theatre of the mission)
  2. Dr.Carlos Assunção: univ. Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro: (Portuguese linguistics)
  3. Dr.Gonçalo Frenandes: Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro: (history of Portuguese linguistics)
  4. Dr.Patrick Schwemmer: Sophia university : (early modern Japanese theatrical studies)
  5. Dr.Miyamoto, Keizo (宮本圭造) : Nogami memorial Noh theatre research institute of Hosei university, Tokyo (history of the Noh theatre)
  6. Researchr Iwasawa, Katsumi (岩澤克): Sophia university : (linguistic studies of the Domican Japanese documents)
  7. Ms. Nakano, Haruka (中野遙): Sophia university : (linguistic studies of the Jesuit Japanese documents)
  8. convenor : Prof. Toyoshima, Masayuki(豊島正之) Sophia university : (the Jesuit Japanese documents)
  1. マルガリーダ・ミランダ博士(コインブラ大学、ポルトガル) : 宣教に伴う演劇史
  2. カルロス・アスンサン博士(トラーズ・ウズ・モンテス・イ・アルト・ドウロ大学、ポルトガル):宣教に伴う言語学
  3. ゴンサロ・フェルナンデス博士(トラーズ・ウズ・モンテス・イ・アルト・ドウロ大学、ポルトガル):宣教に伴う言語学
  4. パトリック・シュウェマー博士(上智大学):中近世日本演劇史
  5. 宮本圭造博士(野上記念法政大学能楽研究所):能楽史
  6. 岩澤克(上智大学): ドミニコ会キリシタン文献
  7. 中野遙(上智大学): イエズス会キリシタン文献
  8. 座長:豊島正之(上智大学):宣教に伴う言語学

Program プログラム

  1. 10:00 : Toyoshima : background of the symposium
    • the early Japanese Christian era (1549 - 1614)
    • Jesuit documents printed in Japan, manuscripts from/on Japan,
    • linguistic analyses and problems of the Jesuit documents,
  2. 10:30 : Schwemmer : the Jesuit documents from/on Japan
    • whereabouts of the surviving manuscripts,their catalogues
    • manuscripts and their contemporary (16th and 17th) printed editions
    • problems of the contemporary translations (into Latin, etc.)
    • problems of the modern editions, problems of Japanese translations
  3. 11:00 : Nakano : the early Christian linguistics on Japanese by the Jesuits
    • printed materials by the Jesuits in general
    • linguistic studies by the Jesuits
  4. 11:15 : Iwasawa : the early Christian linguistics on Japanese by the Dominicans
    • Jesuits and Dominicans
    • linguistic studies by the Dominicans, as compared with the Jesuits

    lunch break

  5. 13:00 : Fernandes : Missionary linguistics
    • what are the targets of the Missionary linguistics, and their resources
    • Politeness Principle in the first missionary metalinguistic texts in East: Honorifics and forms of address in the first Japanese grammars and the first Vietnamese dictionary (16th and 17th century)
  6. 13:30 : Miranda : the Iberian "auto" and "o teatro de Anchieta"
    • what is the Iberian "auto", its theatre and text,
    • what was "o teatro de Anchieta" in Brasil, its resources and editions
    • did "o teatro de Anchieta" really exist ? if it did, is the text really reminiscent of the real screenplay, or is it just a modern compilation (creation) out of the fragmental manuscripts ?


  7. 14:50 : Miyamoto : how to reconstruct the Noh theatre in the late 16th centuries
    • what are the sources and evidences for the reconstruction of the Noh theatre
    • how the Jesuit documents contribute to the history of the Noh theatre
    • the impressions of the 2016 performance of the "Mystery Play of Elche" (Spain)
  8. 15:20 : Assunção
    • The Portuguese language companion of the empire in the East: the grammars, the dictionaries and some notes about the theater of mission published in Japan in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
  9. 15:50 : general discussion
  1. 豊島 : シンポジウムの背景
    • 日本のキリシタン時代(1549 - 1614)のイエズス会による日本語・日本文化の研究。
    • 「宣教に伴う言語学」の視点から、イエズス会記録の言語の問題を探る際の資料と方法論。
  2. シュウェマー : 日本芸能についてのイエズス会記録
    • 現存する記録の所在とカタログ、及びそれらの同時代(キリシタン時代)に於ける翻訳・出版の状況。
    • これらの記録の解釈の問題、及び日本語への再翻訳を史料とする際の問題。
  3. 中野: イエズス会のキリシタン語学
  4. 岩澤: ドミニコ会のキリシタン語学
  5. フェルナンデス: 宣教に伴う言語学
    • 宣教に伴う言語学全般
    • 日本語・ベトナム語のポライトネスに関する、宣教に伴う言語学の記述
  6. ミランダ : イベリア聖劇(アウト)と「アンシエタの演劇」
    • イベリア聖劇 autoの概要。
    • ブラジルの「アンシエタの聖劇」の概要。現存テキストの信頼性の問題。
  7. 宮本: キリシタン時代の能楽の再建
    • キリシタン時代の能楽の再建のための史料と方法論、及びイエズス会記録との関連。
    • 「エルチェの神秘劇」(スペイン)の観覧記とイベリア聖劇。
  8. アスンサン:イエズス会の文法書・辞書と、宣教に伴う演劇の言語

Cartas (Évora,1598) 1-101V(Oct 10,1562, Sanches Ayres)
"se fez hum mar roxo, o qual se abrio ao passar dos Israelitas, & se tornou a cerrar quando passaua Farao com seu exercito." (紅海の作り物は、イスラエル人を通すときに開き、ファラオの軍勢に対して閉じた)

Manoel Barreto (1607) Vocabulário Luso-Latino:
Auto de figuras Comedia,ae; Auto de escriuaõ Acta,orum
Sponsored by the Sophia University Special Grant for Academic Research : Priority Areas : "Historical study of "Noh" and early modern Japanese theatrical performances, based on the early Christian documents in Japan"

Supported by : 協賛
  • The Nogami Memorial Noh theatre research institute of Hosei University
  • Department of Japanese Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Sophia University
